With two tests down


So the second week with a test is over. The anatomy test went okay, which is about what I expected having not taken an extensive course in anatomy before. I wish I had more exciting things relating to medical school to write about right now. But, for the most part, my week consisted of classes and studying. The worst part was that I only took breaks when I was either eating or it was late enough in the night that I had to stop studying (but it was too early to go to bed)… I feel like that may not be the healthiest choice at the moment and I will definitely need to start working on finding ways to take breaks that will increase my productivity. Or, really, just find ways to increase me productivity in general. That would be helpful.

Another, possibly unhealthy, habit is that I find myself looking forward to Fridays as soon as the week begins. As I have stated in previous posts, I have tests every Friday – and so I basically take off every Friday. It’s that one day where I can stop thinking about med school and have other, more wonderful, thoughts. Once my test is over, I go on rounds — err, fluid rounds…

So, I love where I am right now. Surrounded by fun, intelligent people. But I do find myself missing some of the things I use to do. Mostly, at the moment, I miss wasting my Sundays away watching football. Me not watching football must explain why my favorite team is currently 0-2. Shoot. One thing I don’t miss is the boredom. There are boring things in med school, but it’s a different type of boring. In undergrad, I was bored because I had nothing to do. Here, there are boring subjects. Learning about the contents of a cellular membrane is boring, but at least it’s something to do. There is always something to do, something to learn. And I want to learn it because I know most of the things I’m learning now may pertain to what I do in the future. I guess that’s one thing to keep me going. Although, there are many things to keep me going and the list keeps growing.


New Slang by The Shins


About lukeprest

I was born in Lubbock, Texas. But for all intents and purposes I am from Iowa. I have lived in Iowa my entire life except for the brief few months after I was born. Growing up I wanted to be a number of things – a paleontologist, a businessman, an accountant, a dentist, and, yes, a doctor. I have one sister, two brothers, one brother-in-law, and one sister-in-law. They, as well as my parents, have really guided me to where I am today. My first year of undergrad was at Iowa State University in which my major was computer engineering. After one semester, I swiftly changed my major to biochemistry. I transferred to the University of Iowa the next year. I have been involved in three research projects, one in which a paper was recently published online.
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